This novel, set in the 12th century Korea tells the story of Tree-ear, a homeless boy that has found his passion in pottery. While spying the great artist Min he breaks a ceramic piece and has to pay for the damage by working for him. During this time he learns all about the delicate pottery and wishes to learn to do it himself. When Tree-ear is sent to the King's Court to show his master's pottery he will experience life in a new way and have to take some of the most important decisions in his life.
It is culturally very enriching and the story is beautiful, full of emotions and feelings that make the reader develop an interest in Korean pottery. The book has taught me a lot about life back in this country.
In 2002 this book won the Newbery Medal for the most distinguished contribution to American literature and I think it fully deserves this title.
Recommended by Paula
Recommended by Paula